Sunday, 8 July 2012

Practical today: Ultra Girl

As for today, we did the dust particle effect. It is to show some realism whereby whenever the girl runs and her feet steps onto the ground, dust particles will appear at the back. Box collider and mesh collider are some of the thing that has been used to create this effect. Basically, the first picture is how the girl is at in idling position. The second picture is the moment her feet comes in contact with the ground and it triggers the dust particle. The last picture is the inherit velocity of how the dust particles would react upon leaving the feet.

3 Effects

1. Fire particle system

               I will use this effect by placing it around the circus scene. Make it look like a rundown area. This effect was done by having the particle system and a texture that has been applied. By having a cone emission, it gives the fire its shape. Basic attributes were tweaked such as Emission, Velocity over lifetime(Z axis were adjusted) etc.

2. Rain particle effect

This rain efffect will be placed outside the circus. It just adds to the mood and make the game more realistic having the weather condition being placed into the game. Might be putting a rain audio so as the player is playing, not only that he can see the rain but hear the sound of  rain pelting down onto the circus canvas.