Friday, 24 August 2012

4 effects done

1. Water sprouting from fire hydrant.

How I go about doing this:
- Firstly, I had a downloaded model of a fire hydrant but was textured manually in Unity.
- To make the water effect, particle system was needed.
- So the usual attributes for eg. the Start Speed, Start Size, Emission were tweaked according to how I
   usually see the movement of water sprouting rather aggressively from a broken fire hydrant.(references)
- I had to take note of the simulation space, because if I choose World instead of Local, it just changes
   whether it's gonna move on moving object with it that it's attached too, or is it gonna actually stay there and
   move with the World.
- Shape emission were adjusted as such the Radius is of a smaller value than the Angle value.
- After every possible tweaking done, and to make it look finally going with the gravity I gave the Force
   Over Lifetime a negative value of -7 on its Y-axis.
- Finally the Foam material with the shader Particles/Additive(soft) was applied to the sprouting water.

2. Cloth effect for the Banner.

How I go about doing this:
- I created the game object "Cloth"
- Without anything done to this original game object, it'll literally just fall through the terrain.
- So I need to attach a collider under the "Attached colliders" attribute
- Well basically at first I thought of having two colliders but I used one instead, only for the
   cloth banner to be attached to the cylinder bar. The Use gravity box was checked too.
- Having done so, the thickness of the cloth was adjusted to how a banner would react upon collision.
- The cloth banner reacts upon the collision of the bullets(as shown above) and player.

3. Rain

How I go about doing this:
- Alright for this I don't quite remember the details of the process, because I did this during the class practical
  on that day. But roughly it's somehow the same procedure whereby a particle system is created and
  numerous attributes were tweaked to get the rain effect. One of them that was the shape of it and if im not
  wrong it was changed to Vertical Billboard so that the shape of the particle somehow matches with how a
  droplet will look like. The usual Starting Speed, Emission, and how the rain will fall according to gravity are
  some of the things that were taken into consideration in this process.

4. Dust

How I go about doing this:
- After creating the particle system, I used the Ellipsoid Particle Emitter.
- From here, I tweaked several values like the Emit, Local Velocity, Angular Velocity etc.
- Using a dirt texture from the internet, I applied to the particle with the shader Particles/Additive.
- The reason why I applied the Angular Velocity at a value of 5, is because it gives this spinning rotation
   movement to the particles.

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